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Writer's pictureKC Ryan

Declaring my Independence as an Author

I want freedom. Freedom from waiting for approval from people who have never read my work. Freedom from the creative shackles that have kept me from writing my next books. Freedom from the mindset that I need someone else’s permission. It is time for me to declare my independence as an author.

So, what does this sweeping proclamation mean? It means I will be self-publishing my new book Shifter: A Zie and Dax Novel in e-book and print formats through multiple platforms on March 8th! Shifter is the exciting start to a series featuring Zie Charles, an interior designer, and Dax Stanton, an agent working for a secret INTERPOL unit. Their adventures are filled with mystery, suspense, a little romance, and a hint of Sci-Fi. The e-book is currently available for pre-order on Amazon and through other booksellers.

For those of you who have read my blog in the past, you know my goal was to get published. I thought this meant going the traditional route of finding a literary agent and publisher who would help me to get my words out into the world. I spent countless hours writing query letters, polishing my synopsis, and researching and reaching out to agents. In the end, this resulted in a few “polite” no-thank-you emails or an overwhelming, crushing silence. But that was the game I had signed up for.

As a mom, a wife, and a full-time employee with a commute, every extra moment is precious. I realized that instead of using those spare moments to create, I was paralyzed. I was waiting on input from that elusive agent or editor that would validate the work I’ve already done and help to make it sell. What if an editor recommended changes? What if I ended up having to change the plotline of book one and go in a completely different direction for book two? What if they hated my title or my character names? How could I start writing the next book when the first one wasn’t done? But, what if I didn’t have to wait anymore?

With the new decade came the desire to take ownership of my creative destiny. I began to research the possibility of self-publishing and discovered a thriving community of other creatives like me who put their writing out into the world all on their own. These independent authors or “Indies” had already changed the publishing game, I just hadn’t realized it.

They are creative entrepreneurs who handle writing, publishing, and marketing. They curate their catalog of work and their author rights. They are in control of their brand and make decisions on titles and covers for their work. Once a book is done and edited, they can publish it and move on to writing the next adventure. They are real people who are in touch with their readers and value the help and input of others within the Indie community. It is a community that I am so excited to become a part of!

A world of possibilities for my writing and creativity has opened for me and I am diving in with Shifter! You can follow my Indie-Author Journey on my website and through social media. For updates and previews of upcoming work, you can also join my email list.

I am declaring my creative freedom as an independent author and it feels amazing!

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This is fantastic news! So very proud of you and your creativity! Make that dream a reality, and share your voice with the world!

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